5 top tips for team management

Building a cohesive team is vital for organisational success. It makes your employees happier and more productive – and increases the likelihood that they’ll stay with your company for the longer term.

So how do you go about great team management? Here are our five top tips.

1. Communicate clearly

According to McKinsey research, staff who feel involved in detailed organisational communications are more than five times as likely to report increased productivity.

Good personal skills from managers are key here, but tech can help. With StaffSavvy, all the info your employees need is available at the click of a button, from goals to schedules to reports.

You can update your workforce on the latest policies with emails and alerts, and send secure one-to-one messages, too. Satisfaction surveys ensure the communication is two-way!

2. Encourage collaboration

Asked to name their top five company policies that foster well-being, social cohesion, and productivity, respondents rate collaboration policies very highly. These include: clear hours and expectations for collaboration; and digital tools.

With StaffSavvy, you can allocate tasks to project teams, so that any member of staff can pick them up. Your team members can share their ideas in staff forums, too. So team working becomes smoother, and productivity rises.

3. Delegate wisely

Delegation not only takes the strain off you, the manager. It also gives your team members the chance to prove their worth, learn new skills, and progress up the career ladder in your company.

Research from PwC found that 69% of employees considering a job change rated feeling fulfilled in their work as very or extremely important. With vacancies at record highs in the UK in 2022, particularly in the accommodation and food services sectors, you can’t afford to let your team become disengaged.

4. Manage hybrid working effectively

The pandemic has led to a shift in attitudes, with more people discovering the benefits of working from home. Some 52% of workers favour a hybrid model, with a further 11% wanting to work remotely all the time.

And 30% of employees even say they would look to switch jobs if they had to return to fully on-site work.

Of course, that presents challenges for employers and managers. Tech has the answers: StaffSavvy allows you to automate workflows, allocate tasks, and set schedules so you can see at a glance who’s on shift. Team members can access vital info from any device, too.

5. Allow self-management

Excessive admin can cause teams to grind to a halt. With StaffSavvy, you can let your team members self-manage for many simple processes.

With our automated workflows, you can set up Triggers that respond automatically to events. For example, if a team member has been off sick, they’ll receive a back-to-work form to fill in, which will then be sent on for review. So you can all wave goodbye to frustrating bottlenecks, and focus on the parts of your job that matter.

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Andrew Treadwell