The top 10 benefits of digitalising your HR process

Is your HR team getting the most out of today’s technology? A recent CIPD survey found that while more than 80% use software for their HR information system and payroll, far fewer rely on tech for functions such as workforce planning, onboarding and employee engagement.

So let’s take a look at the top 10 benefits of digitalising your HR process.

1. Better data management

We all know how important data is to companies today. By digitalising your HR process, you’ll make your data secure yet easy to access. Analytics and reporting become painless - no more wrangling with multiple spreadsheets in countless folders! 

2. Improved decision making

Having data at your fingertips helps you make the right HR decisions fast. It also reduces the chance of human biases creeping in to hiring and promotion, making for fairer processes that ensure you’ve got the right person for the job. 

3. HR better aligned with business strategy

Is your company planning to branch out into offering new services? Then you should be using data to locate skills gaps among your staff to inform your training and recruitment strategies.

The CIPD survey revealed that just 37.1% of companies use HR software for workforce planning. Yet, as the organisation notes: “Workforce planning is difficult to do well at scale without a software or platform that enables easy access to good quality data.”

Make sure your company is ahead of the game! 

4. Easier communication

Digital HR tools can streamline communications between senior leaders, managers, employees and candidates. This has the potential to engage the workforce, reduce colleague conflicts, and make for a positive workplace culture. 

5. Better management of remote/ hybrid workforce

While hybrid working has many pros, it can be hard to retain visibility over your workforce when they are scattered in multiple locations. Digital HR tools keep everyone better connected.  

6. Automation of routine tasks

We all know how frustrating and time-consuming some of the most common HR tasks are, such as tracking attendance. Plus, it’s all too easy for human error to creep in. By automating these jobs, you free up your staff to focus on more strategic, innovative areas of work.  

7. Raised productivity

Wave goodbye to multiple complex systems, and welcome in a new era of speedy operations on a single, consolidated HR platform!

Digital processes also enable employees to self-serve – e.g. booking annual leave. That both frees up your HR team and boosts employee satisfaction.  

8. Improved training and development

In today’s fast-moving world, businesses need to invest in upskilling their staff. Digital HR platforms allow you to offer coaching, mentoring and training opportunities to employees, as well as track their progress.  

9. Attracting, retaining and promoting talent

Efficient processes and great training programmes make for a happier workforce – vital for attracting and retaining the best people.

Plus, digital HR tools make the recruitment process smoother: e.g. you can reach potential candidates through social media marketing; and set up digital onboarding programmes.

10 . Lower costs

Streamlining processes and identifying areas to make efficiencies could represent a considerable saving for your company. Plus, by boosting your workforce’s internal mobility, you can cut external recruitment costs.

StaffSavvy: your HR platform

With StaffSavvy’s workplace management platform, you can boost efficiency, productivity and employee engagement right across your organisation. Book a StaffSavvy demo today.

Andrew Treadwell